The Ultimate Guide to

What are the Signs of an Eye Infection?

Maybe something is wrong with your eyes, and if this is so, then you certainly are going through a rough time, having a hard time just getting through your day. If one is suffering something like this, he or she definitely should not delay, but should get the problem seen to immediately, before it grows any worse or spreads and becomes hard to treat. Also, it is a good idea for them to know the signs of eye infection, as this will help them to better know the seriousness of their situation and how soon they should get help. Here, then, are three of the most obvious signs of eye infection that everyone should look out for and be wary of.

The first sign of an eye infection that people should watch out for is a bump around their eyes. Those who notice a small bump on their upper or lower lid should know that this is most likely a style, an infected bump that can grow very large over a short period of time. Although a stye infection is not something that can be fatal, it can be painful and annoying, and the best thing you can do is to get rid of one with the help of medication prescribed by your doctor.

Another very clear sign that it is an eye infection that is hounding you is that you have undergone a lot of changes with your eyes, and there is something that is clearly abnormal with them. When you look in the mirror, you might notice that your eyes are looking redder and more bloodshot than they usually do, and each time you wake up, there is a thicker crust on your lashes than there usually is. You might also have noticed that your eye discharge is of a strange yellow or green color, and if this is so, you need to go to a doctor as quickly as you can.

Lastly, but not less importantly, another clear sign that one is dealing with an eye infection is when one suddenly notices that his or her vision is not the same, becoming cloudy and blurry all of a sudden. If you have noticed this, you might at first thing that you need glasses – however, it is important for you to visit a doctor first, as cloudy vision could also be a sign that there is an infection in your eyes.

Those who notice these signs, then, should make sure that they do not delay, but visit a skilled eye doctor as soon as they can.