Strategies of Discovering Your Life Passion
Passion can be defined as a strong interest, desire or love that you have towards certain thing or career. There is a common statement that states that the best moment in life is when you discover your passion, goals and ambition in life.
Research has shown that majority of people are in jobs and careers not because of passion but simply because of money, it is important to discover your life purpose before reaching the age of retirement and use this as an income generating project. If you continue hanging on in your current career it will not only make you unhappy and sad but it can also lead to poor health issues. Once you discover your life purpose and passion you will feel excited and motivated when waking up very early in the morning. In the section below we will look at several approaches of identifying your passion and ambitions in life before approaching retirement age.
First and foremost it is not advisable to quit your current job in order discover your passion, it is recommended to continue working and if possible change jobs in order discover your life passion. You can even spend time meditating and ask your self whether there is something you like doing similar to a hobby. It is also important to be involved in artistic work and read more books in your journey to discover your life purpose.
Secondly, it is key to have a life coach or mentor who can take you through different possibilities in life and challenge you to do the impossible in life, it is important to ask your mentor question search as how can I find my passion? Mentors are mostly experienced in different areas in life and they can act as trusted advisers in helping an individual discover their life passion and interest, mentorship is a life long relationship and it involves involving a mentor and mentee, it a growth process where a mentor impacts wisdom, knowledge and advise to the mentee in the journey to discover his or her life passion. It is key to be accountable to this experts in order to be provided with guidance in terms of converting your passion into a profitable ventures. Majority of successful entrepreneurs around the word have ideally converted their passion into profitable global businesses.
Thirdly it is also important to invest your time and energy in discovering your passion, more time can be spend in doing practical activities related to what you like doing for instance an individual can be involved in research activities, sport activities or even brainstorming session with experts and peers in order to discover your life passion and ambitions.
Lastly it is recommended to share your life goals and internal fears openly with friends and relatives increases the chance of understanding yourself even better. This helps also in developing a support team who will mentor, nature and walk with you in your passion journey hence helping you in achieving your purpose in life.