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Top 7 Bugs Found in Our Homes

I am sure at some point you have experienced bugs in your home even if it was not an infestation. If you have encountered bugs, they are probably in the list below because below are some of the most common bugs that you will come across in homes. All the bugs mentioned below may not necessarily be in one home at once but it can still happen.

The first bug on our list is the bedbug. Despite what the name suggests, bedbugs are not necessarily found only in beds. You will come across bedbugs in dark corners, wooden parts of the house, beds and even clothes. One of the myths surrounding bedbugs is that they only occur in dirty places but even those with clean homes suffer bedbug infestation. Bedbugs can cling to your clothes if you come into contact with someone whose clothes have them or furniture that is infested. It is wise to hire a pest control company if at all you have difficulty ridding your home of bedbugs.
You will find spiders in homes from time to time. There are so many species of spiders and depending on your location, you will find a different kind of spiders. While spiders are not bothersome a spider bite could prove quite harmful.
Ants are also found in homes today. Just like all other living organisms, there are so many species and they can vary from region to region, for example, the florida ants found in Florida. Even though they may not be there in a full-blown infestation you are bound to come across one or two scouting for food for the colony. Killing a single ant will not benefit you so instead you could have a pest control company deal with an entire colony.
On our list is termites. Termites have made a name for themselves as destructive bugs. To avoid extensive damages and losses to parts of your home, you need to get rid of them.
Cockroaches are probably the most resilient of bugs seeing that they seem to adapt to the conditions around them. You may find that if a certain food source is depleted they will find something else to feed on to survive. Seeing that most cockroaches multiply so fast, they could become so hard to control when they become so many.
Our list includes ticks as well. Lyme disease has been associated with ticks and the symptoms include rash and even flu-like symptoms. Even though ticks are known to attack pets and livestock they can transfer to human beings as well.
The last common bug is centipedes. If you want to get rid of centipedes then you should start by getting rid of other bugs because they feed on other bugs.
You now know what bugs are commonly found in American homes today.