5 Reasons You Should Join a Marathon
Whether you’re an experienced jogger who wants to challenge yourself with a new goal or a newbie runner inspired by a friend’s victory at a race, there are several personal reasons to join a marathon. Here are the top five:
To tick off a long-time dream
How many of us can say they’ve joined a marathon? For a lot of people, it’s a big lifetime goal, and the sheer satisfaction of finally reaching it is among the most important factors driving them to do it. Marathons even give you a chance to combine the experience with travel. Throw in the support of crowds congregating along the route and the ultimate measure of your mental and physical health, and you begin to understand why people love marathons.
To make new friends
When you join a marathon, you also get the opportunity to meet new potential friends. Of course, prior training is important, and for this, you will have to find a running partner or a running club that will be there to assist you in your preparation. Come race day, you will be filled with a wonderful energy that is uniquely shared among marathoners, spectators, and others with common interests.
To boost your chances of attaining success in life
Studies have shown that running regularly can be helpful to your success in life overall. When you join a marathon, you need to plan well, work hard and be committed to it, all of which help you improve your character. According to a study, runners training for a marathon polish their goal-setting and organizational skills, and most importantly, their sense of self-discipline.
To improve fitness
Training for a marathon will naturally boost your overall health and wellness. We are all aware that running is healthy for the heart as well as for the bones, and when it is mixed with other healthy practices, like swimming or yoga, you will have stronger muscles and greater flexibility. Obviously, you don’t have to join a marathon to get these benefits, but when you set yourself a marathon goal, you will stay motivated and keep enjoying improved health.
To learn something new
Finally, ask any marathoner and they will tell you that a marathon experience is like no other. There’s no denying that it is gruelling and even painful sometimes, but at the end of the day, it’s a fantastic addition to your life experiences. A marathon is full of emotional ups and downs, before and during race day, but upon stepping on the finish line, you will be filled with a mighty feeling of success that no other experience has ever given you.