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Benefits of Reading the Book of Revelation

Spiritual enlightenment is important to you and your children as through it you will be able to lead a righteous life since you will have been familiarized with the vices and virtues in life. In addition, you will get to learn on Gods promises to our life’s and what he expects of our actions. For you to be enlightened spiritually as a Christian, it will be best to read books containing the Jesus stories and in this case the bible is recommended. The bible consists of many books but the most important one for spiritual enlightenment purposes is the book of revelation. Through it you will get to learn more about the second coming of Jesus and how to best prepare yourself spiritually before his coming. It could be that you have never read the book of revelation and thus you could not be having any know how on the message contained in it. As such, it would be best to familiarize yourself with the benefits of reading the book of revelation. The most important benefits have been highlighted in this text, study through as to familiarize yourself with them.

The first benefit of reading the book of revelation is that you will learn on the importance of character change. In preparation for the second coming of Jesus, it will be proper to change you character and habits for the better. This will majorly involve avoiding acts that will lead you to sins and helping the needy like the poor and even the widows and orphans. These actions will imply that you are spiritually enlightened as you could be counted among the righteous thus beneficial.

The second benefit of studying through the book of revelation is that you will learn on making the best choices in life. In most cases, you could be required to choose on given alternatives on your actions and you could be finding it challenging. This should not worry you anymore as by reading through the book of revelation you will learn what God requires about our actions and thus notice that wrongs and rights in life. You will thus get to resort into acts of the righteous as one if the ways of preparing yourself for the second coming of Jesus.

The last benefit is that you will get enlightened on worship. There are many churches, denominations and ways if worshiping and among them some could be recommendable and unrecommendable as per the book of revelation. You will get to know that worshipping of symbols is an abominations and it will also be important for you to repent your sins as a way of preparing yourself to receive Jesus during his second coming. Some of the ways of worshipping God are like singing, praying and even dancing to God and this will possibly bring you closer to God as you will have been spiritually familiarized. As a result, you will learn to appreciate Gods creations as they help us making our ways of living easy.

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