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the Benefits of Breast Augmentation Procedures

All over the world, breast augmentation has risen to become among the most popular kinds of plastic surgery performed. In America alone, The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported that in any given year, there are over 300,000 breast augmentations performed. While it is evident that cosmetic breast surgery is a go to option for many women, each patient gets drawn to the procedure for various reasons. Below, we dive into some benefits this procedure could provide to women who undergo it.

Increasing breast size is arguably the most common benefit and reason why women choose this cosmetic procedure. However, contrary to the reasoning of most people, the urge to get larger breasts is not to appear more attractive to men or please other women. Breasts are very pivotal in women’s sense of femininity, which is why some women view having larger breasts as a better way of expressing this aspect of their identity. Whatever the reasons, breast augmentation is a safe, effective and long-lasting way of achieving larger breasts for women not satisfied with their breast size.

The media often portrays the average breast augmentation patient as a young woman, usually in her 20s however, this is far from the truth since cosmetic breast surgery can be used by women irrespective of their ages. Women, sometimes beyond 50 years of age can also enjoy the advantages that come with this transformative procedure. The older women get, the more they become potential candidates of updating their looks through breast augmentation. Women beyond the age of 50 can get many benefits from rest augmentation e.g. achieving a youthful look and reversing changes brought about by ageing. This procedure also allows women to match the vitality they feel inside with the external appearance regardless of their age. To achieve a fully rejuvenated look, women past the age of 50 can pair breast augmentation with breast lifts.

Through breast augmentation, women can achieve a balanced figure. Symmetry is what most women aim to achieve through breast augmentation rather than a super-sized look. When women have breasts too small for their frames, there are entire shapes look unbalanced, hence the need for this procedure to enhance proportions. Generally, breast augmentation enhances the aesthetic a harmony of a woman’s body, helping her achieve that much coveted hourglass shape. Women’s waists tend to appear smaller when they are hips and breasts are proportional to the rest of the board.

Breast augmentation is not all about size, since breast implants come in different shapes such as contoured and round. To achieve a look with ample cleavage, round high-profile implants are ideal however, to achieve a more natural look opt for contoured breast implants.

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