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Some Canoeing Safety Hacks You Need to Know

Have you always had a different experience every time you go out for canoeing and wondered why it always has to happen this way? The answer is simple; you never carry everything that is required for the process, which is why the experience is always ruined. If you assume that everything will happen okay but get the opposite, then you return back home all wet, sick, or shivering. To change your canoeing experience and get the best results, you need to ensure that you follow these simple instructions noted below.

Carrying a life jacket is one important safety gear that you should never forget. Just like the name means, life jackets are important while canoeing. You do not know when things are about to start getting sour while you are canoeing, which is the reason you need to remain prepared all the time. For instance, when you are canoeing and get injured, there is no way you would be able to get to the shores, and without a life jacket, your life would be at stake. This is the reason you need to always carry a life jacket and wear it all the time.

Having a paddling whistle is also crucial. When there is a heavy storm while you are in the wild waters, your canoe might end up capsizing. At this stage, you may not be able to think out of the box if you do not have a paddling whistle, but you would just end up panicking. You need a whistle so that you do not start screaming out there when you are struggling to get back to your floating device while no one hears you or comes to your rescue.

You need to also have to remember your head. Covering your head as you canoe would highly depend on the place where you will be canoeing. For both near shores and wild waters canoeing, you need to always have your helmet or hat on all the time. The work of this helmet is to keep your head safe from any object that might hit your head in case things get out of hand out there in the waters and also protect you from the harsh sun rays. Just make sure you have chosen the right size of a helmet, which should not be too big or too small for your head.

Carrying a dry back is essential too. When you are canoeing in some wild water where you do not have any traces, you will need a map. Thus, having this map all protected from water is what you need to do. Do not carry a picnic basket when canoeing because this would only get your stuff all wet. Just invest in one dry bag and never have to worry that your map or any other things you carried in there are going to get wet. In addition, you can put so much stuff in s dry bag such as; food, phone among much other canoeing stuff that you will need.

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