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How Your Thoughts and Emotions Affect your Present and Future

All life is energy. That energy moves from one form to another. In the case of humans, the process through which we actualize our thoughts, how we make things happen, goes through a process of energy transformation. If you had not thought of making something, your soul not have made it. A tangible item was, therefore, first an idea, a thought in someone’s head. That can be said to be energy moving from one state to another. There was energy in the thought, which gave rise to the process, which resulted in the product you hold in your hand, or service you deliver. The fundamental question therefore becomes; how are you moving energy through your life? Another question comes up: Is your life heading in the direction you expected?
Your thoughts and emotions play an important role in shaping our future. Your thoughts and emotions are also influenced by various factors, such as your previous experiences and your environment. You can see this in people who are afraid to try something new since they were not successful at such attempts in the past. They do not want to apply for that new job because their previous applications were turned down. They do not wish to go you more and have more fun since they just ended a terrible relationship. But you cannot live your life as a prisoner of previous experiences or your environment. You should instead learn from those experiences, and use your environment either as a stepping stone or a cautionary tale, to become better.
While that may seem hard, it comes down to the kind of thoughts and emotions we entertain or harbor. Thoughts and emotions lead to action, or inaction, which in itself is a form of action. Your thoughts are either conscious or subconscious. You are in control of your conscious thoughts, and you go through them in a state of awareness. The subconscious thoughts tend to be deeper, and you are not fully aware of them, but they nonetheless influence your emotions and actions to an even greater extent. An example is self-sabotage. You may wonder how it comes to be, but it is simple. That bad experience you had before about relationships made an impression on your subconscious, which now makes you do something that sabotages any new relationships, for fear of getting hurt and other forms of pain. You, therefore, need to do something about that state if you are to move on and be free.
As much as you had a negative experience before does not mean all future experiences will be the same. As mentioned, what you need most is to learn where you made a mistake, recognize where you did not, and be better prepared for the future. Shutting down yourself from future opportunities of happiness does you no good. Living in fear is no way to realize your potential fully. Whatever happened, or whatever you are going through, you are not the sum of your bad experiences or choices. You have the chance to do and become something greater.
It is clear that being in control of your thoughts and emotions will bring a positive change and direction in your life. Taking time to examine how you got to where you now allow you to chart the way forward with clarity and purpose. Accepting that you are in charge of how your energy flows make you happier, powerful, and able to live your life to its fullest. You can learn how to make those corrections and enhance your true potential on this site.

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